Human Hair Texture Overview: Understanding Your Strands

on  Updated: February 22, 2025

Human Hair Texture Overview

Certainly, you have a great deal with your hair care, hair cut and its style, because you want to keep them healthy, shiny, and stylish. But all of these variables are relate with your hair texture. Though, I will focus on it later.

If you are hair conscious, then are you following the right way and getting an effective result?

Or is it making you frustrated?

Well! If these questions make you bit nervous, then I will try my best to relieve you from your nervousness through the rest of my post.

Why you need to know about your hair texture?

You need to remember that when you talk about a new hair style or hair cut and hair care, then first you need to know about your hair texture and its types.

Because it’s not only help you to determine the best hair cut what is suit with you, but also help you to know how you should care your hair. Besides, it will also help you when you considering any chemical services like hair color for your hair. Moreover, if you properly know the limitations and advantages of your hair texture, then it will help you to pick up the best hair style for you.

So let’s know about the details of human hair texture and its importance in our life.

Human Hair Texture Overview

What is the Human Hair Texture?

If you generally think about the texture of your hair, then you will realize the fact that it’s not a complicated topic, it’s very straightforward. Basically, the diameter of a hair strand is called the texture of the hair. That means the width and thickness of your hair.

Something else you should know that identically, texture of hair and hair density is not same. They are different but also have a strong relationship with each other. Because a perfect hair cut depends on the particular hair type. So your hair texture, face shape and your personal preference will help you to determine the best hair cut for you.

Now it’s time to know about the difference between texture of hair and hair density.

Hair texture VS Hair Density:

texture of your hair

The density of your individual hair strand is called the texture of your hair, apparently how much individual hair strand you have on your head, per square inch is called the density of your hair.

Hope, you have understood the point?

Generally, on average as a human being we have about 2,200 hair strands in per square inch on our head. So, if you have more than on average, then you have thicker or coarse hair and those with less have means you have fine hair. On the other hand, if you have in mid range between of them, then you have medium hair.

Human Hair Texture Types:

Every hair type has 3 basic widths, what describes the thickness of every individual hair strands. So we have divided human hair texture in three categories such as fine hair, medium hair, and thick or coarse hair.

You’ll get all the detail in below.

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Human Hair Texture Type 1 or Fine Hair:
Like a human body type your hair texture type either can be skinny or chubby and fat. If your hair strands are skinny, then the texture of your hair is fine type. Individually, it’s not easy to understand the hair texture type. But you can imagine it with a piece of thread, because it’s as thinner as a piece of thread is.

This texture of hair type is not very style friendly, because it can break easily and very fragile. So it’s very difficult to hold any hair style on it. Don’t worry! There are some benefits too for having fine hair. For instance it’s easy to wash, dry, and detangling than other hair types. Besides, you don’t need much hair care products, if you have fine hair texture.

Best Hair Style Type for Fine Hair:
This type of hair has lack of volume. So, shorter hair style is perfect for this type of hair texture like a bob, pixie or a boy hair cut.

Human Hair Texture Type 2 or Medium Hair

Human Hair Texture Type 2 or Medium Hair:
Medium Hair is the most common type human hair texture. This texture of hair type has slightly fat hair strands, so you can call it a chubby hair texture. That means medium hair has medium width, because all of its strands are neither too thick nor too thin.

This type of human hair texture is very style friendly. Generally, in this hair texture your hair stylists can pull off all kinds of haircuts and styles for you by changing the thickness of it. But if you don’t know how to properly take care of it, then it can be a trouble for your hair like dandruff, split ends and frizzy hair.

Best Hair Style Type for Medium Hair:
Actually, every hair styles are perfectly suit with this hair type. But, for that you need to change the texture of your hair consecutively. For instance, if you feel comfort with less hair then you should be looked at razor cut. On the other hand, if you feel comfort with thicken hair then blunt cutting will be perfect for you.

Human Hair Texture Type 3 or Thick or Coarse Hair

Human Hair Texture Type 3 or Thick or Coarse Hair:
This type of human hair texture is strong and it’s very effective to hold any hair styles. Besides, thick hair can tolerate heat massively than others. But it takes longer time to dry, difficult to wash and not easy to maintain this type of hair texture.

Best Hair Style Type for Thick or Coarse Hair:
If you have this type of hair, then you can easily wear any kind of lengths with ease like short, medium and long. But you should not go for a wispy style, because it can look frizzy on your manes.

In the end, if you want to have gorgeous, healthy and voluminous hair and if you are not getting any result while using chemical based products? So first you should have a clear idea about the texture of hair. Though I hope this post already given you a crystal-clear outline about it.

Now tell us, what is the texture of your hair and how do you manage it? Therefore, if you have any query and any tips about the texture of hair, then don’t hesitate to share this with us through our comment section. Moreover, if you think this post is helpful to you, then don’t forget to share with your friends on social media.