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The outbreak of Coronavirus covid-19 has caused havoc in the whole wide world. Out of 251 countries and territories in the world, this virus has successfully reached every single place. It has become a worldly concern. There were pandemics in the past, too, deadly ones like swine flu. But, for this one to occur in the 21st century with so much advanced in medicine and it is an impediment to look out for.
The improvements are still occurring to make sure the continuous recovery. But for underdeveloped countries, the process is challenging to overcome. It articulates from one and spreads like fire in the jungle.
In this article, the complete information about the Coronavirus COVID-19 is explained. Keep reading.
In November 2019, Wuhan city of China, a new viral disease, was generated. A small, micro virus directly affects the lungs of the human body. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) are a few common impediments of this illness. The infection is caused directly into the lungs, and hence the name was given Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2019 (SERS-CoV-19).
The severity increased after the detection of stern breathing and sinus problems. It evoked the impediments, and the Governments around the world started taking strict precautions against it. The World Health Organization named it a 21st-century pandemic due to immediate outbreak in various countries.
These RNA related viruses are very minute and can’t look at with the naked eye until or unless a microscope is provided for detection. It has a spherical shape and spiked with proteins. The integrity of the virus is maintained by the envelope, membrane, and spike ratio.
In regards to this, the virus has evolved from the very minute shape into the cell membrane and then quickly triggers other cells as soon as it enters the body. Expression of this virus can lead from minor to acute symptoms, and in some critical cases, it may cause death.
Coronavirus COVID-19 is mainly transferred from the animals since they are zoonotic. Such illnesses can never develop naturally into the human body. But, it can transfer from animal to man and then from man to man.
Invoking the idea of this impression, medically speaking, the Coronavirus COVID-19 rushes out into the host cell through the injection into the membrane. The cells interact with each other and transfer into each other, mainly into the epithelial cells.
Some of the most common ways of its transfer are through coughing. The virus stays in the air for 24 hours in the form of droplets. The globules then immediately enter the nose and attack the respiratory tract, causing acute breathing problems.
One of the most common misunderstandings is that Coronavirus COVID-19 is flu. But it’s a myth. One of the most intense symptoms of this virus is influenza. The body aches with pain and makes it difficult to breathe through the nose. The inhalation and exhalation are very difficult.
But, the medications taken for the flu cannot treat the virus. The virus may rapidly transfer through droplets. Viruses cause both of these, but SERS-CoV causes the corona, and influenza viruses cause flu.
The vaccinations are available for the latter. But, for Coronavirus COVID-19, there is not yet a single treatment available except luck. It strikes the body with a speed of light and leaves undesired minor or significant symptoms that might affect the body forever.
There are no two symptoms that can guarantee its existence. Some doctors are still investigating whether or not the assumptions related to the virus are accurate. It may be confused with influenza, where the same breathing problems may occur. But to assist the ideal classification, the scientists are still yet waiting for results from various critical patients around the world.
The few most common symptoms of Coronavirus COVID-19 are extreme fever, flu, and tiredness in the body. The muscles may become extremely stiff, causing inefficiency in the body. The mobility and energy inside is lost, and it articulates provisions from this ailment. These symptoms only need distancing and isolation from others and hot teas for fever.
In severe conditions, there may be extreme difficulty breathing. The nose might get blocked from the virus, and the body cannot move. There is no taste on the tongue, and due to obstruction in the nose, the loss of smell sense may incur. Shivering is another symptom that is felt in this virus and may require immediate availability of oxygen masks with cylinders.
Blue lips, dementia, nausea, consistent breathing problem are prevalent symptoms where the doctors mark the patient as critical. Since the medication is not available, the pain becomes unbearable and invokes the prosperity of the victim.
There are no exact medications available. The only way to Coronavirus COVID-19 this outbreak is by giving it time and taking preventive measures as much as possible. The significant provocation of this virus causes havoc into the body. It increases the integrity levels of the body, causing the immune system to work more than its requirements, and hence the fever.
The ailment was first integrated in 1960. But, by then, there were inevitable deaths, not too many, and treatment was done through natural ways. Either by drinking hot teas during early stages or giving anesthesia until it went away. But since the advanced technology proffers the community to rely on it entirely, the illness has become a pain for many.
With or without any disease, self-care is the most important thing to take care of if improvised. The impediments can incur via transfer. If you have become a victim of this disease, isolate yourself in a separate room, away from any physical contact.
Eat healthily, and take hot fluids to breakdown obstructions in the throat or nose. Expression of a single symptom will cause the immediate transfer of your virus through mediums like grocery shops, driving, walking without protection, etc.
If you are still safe from this ailment, incur yourself by wearing masks and gloves. Patient or not, still drink fluids that don’t harm your body and make your body stay active all day.
There is no yet medical therapy available. It coincides with the various symptoms of the affliction. But, still, no success at even getting near to finding its cure. But, in regards to the medical treatment, some therapies are available to reduce its agonizing pain.
Blood plasma Transfer– Some have planned about treatment through blood transfusion. The blood from the recovered patients into the ailed one can reduce the days of its suffering.
Steroids into the lungs– Another way is by injecting steroids into the lungs. Since the virus directly attacks the lungs, it predicts the swelling. The steroids help in lowering this and proffer breathability for the patient.
Oxygen Ventilation– The masks are provided to critical patients. The misery is decreased when the lungs are not pushed too much for dependence on breathing. It invokes the immune system to depend on the ventilator until the swelling lowers down, and the virus is treated through medications.
For a complete, tested vaccine and cure against a virus, it takes approximately ten to fifteen years. The scientists are working together to combine medications for the impediment. For each symptom, the most commonly used medicinal care is done.
The medical practitioners give Ibuprofen for fever, and cough syrups, and fluids for headaches. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or acetaminophen is one of the most common medications for lowering nausea pain. Tocilizumab is a remedy for treat autoimmune disorders that come along with Coronavirus COVID-19.
Antibiotics can never be used for treating Coronavirus COVID-19 since corona is caused by a virus, whereas antibiotics treat bacterial diseases. If some patient is taking antibiotics, they may be because of any other bacterial illness that came with it.
One of the critical roles that you can play is helping in the prevention of its spreading. The idea is to make sure the saved ones are unharmed and do not invoke even the slightest of its consequences, must avert it all costs.
The scientists from around the world envision a corona-free 22nd century. The complications are troublesome and may cause dissolution in the life of a healthy being. The first intact is the main reason for its continual destruction inside the body, and nobody can confirm the source of the first contact.
No person can play his part without following the below rules in case of its victimization or alertness,
Wearing a mask is a must for coronavirus, as it is meant to protect other people if we have it. People develop without even having symptoms. Henceforth if social distancing is hard to avoid, masks are a must to wear to protect other people if you have become a victim of it.
Children under the age of 2, people with respiratory problems, and people who can’t remove/wear masks shouldn’t wear them. Wearing masks alone cannot prevent from having Coronavirus COVID-19 other physical distancing, and washing hands should also be practiced.
Hand Sanitizers should also be one of the top priorities of us as it is highly alcoholic. It must be kept out of children’s reach, and they should be taught how to use it. Under no circumstance, it must be drunk as it can cause infection. Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes as it can irritate.
As it is a 60% alcoholic, it can be highly flammable and should be avoided before handling fire or cooking. Keep it with you all the time so that whenever you touch anything, you can apply hand sanitizer.
Keeping your hand cleans saves you not only from Coronavirus COVID-19 but also other infectious diseases as Coronavirus COVID-19 can spread when you touch your nose, mouth, and eyes. Your hands should be clean all the time etc
While washing hands first, turn off the tap, then clean your hands thoroughly with soap for 20 seconds and after clean them thoroughly with back and forth. After that, dry them with a clean towel or air dry them.
Malls, marriage halls, parks, and restaurants are the most crowded places. Avoid going there at all costs to protect yourself from others and vice versa. The initial stages of corona symptoms are never felt, but soon after its detection, the lungs have already become an intense victim of viral attacks.
Many WHO programs are connecting the world through webinars and online seminars to generate awareness regarding the seriousness of pandemic. Some governments have entirely shut down the entire country and made people elude abundance as much as possible.
You need to stay alert and be kind to others who are the sufferers of this casualty. While you remain safe from crowds, make a considerable distance from others, and sanitize yourself all the time.
Since the virus can quickly transfer, if the mother becomes a casualty, the fetus may not survive the severe circumstances. It is an ideal productivity behavior to isolate yourself until the mid-wife urges you to come into the ward or the hospital.
During pregnancy, taking fluids is highly suggested, prevention of coronavirus. Wash your hands frequently. Space yourself from others since the early symptoms are not always felt. Avoid touching your hand and mouth with bare hands. Wear gloves and masks all the time.
Use a tissue while coughing, and discard it into the dustbin. Sanitize your hands all the time. Since prevention is better than cure, the pregnant women, along with the fetus, will outgrow the disease and come out healthier and safer.
For the lung problem patients, the researchers have confirmed the critical levels of them being a sufferer. The risk is higher in such patients because the immune system is weak and cannot fight against the virus. It will result in fatal symptoms leading to death.
Some of the ways it can be avoided are through,
Isolation– The highest risk occurs through specific unwanted interactions. One of the significant ways to avoid these connections is by shutting yourself in a room. No other person than yourself can enter it. Keep a record of your medicines and other essential requirements.
Social Distancing and Quarantine-It is significant to make sure you maintain the proper distance from others to avoid any kind of social interaction.
The researches regarding this illness are that almost 97 percent can recover from it. The most crucial victims are lung patients. For them, it might be challenging to overcome the problem since the virus attacks the lungs, causing it to swell, making it a vital affliction to avoid at all costs.
Other than that, the recovery is triggered more in countries with hot temperatures. It is not related to virus conditions. But, instead, the body’s elicit response to ambient conditions. Nevertheless, the body’s immune system works better in fervidness.
A victim of corona cannot get reinfected. The symptoms might still be there. But, since the immune system creates antibodies against the virus, the manifestations make it easier to overcome it quicker and more comfortable the second time.
Anyone who can breathe the same air as others become vulnerable to the exposure of it. Since the viral signs are unpredictable, it might so happen that the victim may have already coughed in the same air as you. Sneezing on a tissue and not discarding it properly, is another risk factor from the environment.
The researchers at the World Health Organization have suggested maintaining a 6 feet distance between every human being. Smoking is a risk factor for influenza and immune diseases, so maintain distance fro the smoke of cigarettes, and others can help you prevent Coronavirus COVID-19.
Ever since the first victim was diagnosed in early November of 2019, he rates have only increased since then until now. According to the exact world o meter numbers, almost 241 countries and territories have become its victim.
Around the world, more than 2 million cases have been confirmed with 8 lakh settled deaths. Also, there are only approximately 6 lakh active cases and recovered cases of more than 1.3 million.
The most crucial victimized country of this deadly virus was the USA leaving China behind, where more than half a million confirmed cases are in the process of recovery. The decrease is deliberate in so many countries until now, and now only 5 million active cases are there with the death rate of 4000 per day.
Preventive measures are suggested for the sake of a healthy nation and increased economy, which was destroyed in many countries due to the immediate lockdown.
With no vaccines and medications available, the risk of vulnerability has increased. Although the reported cases are decreasing day by day, it is all an immediate result of extreme lockdown leading to isolation and physical distancing. The economy of many countries are destroyed, the employment rate has decreased, and the entire productivity risk is also affected, all because of a small virus that is foreseen by the eye.