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Increasing muscle mass is one of the great goals that we all set throughout the year. We know that it is not easy, but with constancy and a series of nutritional and sports guidelines, we will gain muscle mass sooner or later. For this, supplementation is also essential. But, what are the best supplements for muscle gain and weight loss? In this article, we will address this important question.
Today, many people use supplements to improve their results in the gym and any other sport. The objectives of athletes who are launched to consume substances to improve their performance are very different.
It seems that in the market of weight loss supplementation, there is always a perfect product for you. Whatever your goal, you will surely find the supplement or the combo of supplements that you will take to conquer it.
If you want, you can do the test. Go to the supplementation store that catches you closer to your home or your work and asks the clerk for advice, tell him what your next goal is and ask him to advise you an ideal supplement to help you reach it.
If you tell him that your desire is to define your muscles, insurance will offer L-Carnitine, fat burners, pre-training, etc. If your goal is to gain lean muscle mass in a short time, it will offer you proteins, gainers, BCAAs or Creatine, etc. Surely, we recommend the combination of several of them.
We are sure that no matter how rare your purpose will be, it will offer you a product that comes “beautifully” to achieve it. In addition, it will be very fast and easy. The truth is that these substances can help you gain muscle, dry up, they can also help you gain strength faster or recover better from heavy workouts.
There are many other things that you should keep in mind and above all to do correctly before using the best supplements for muscle gain and weight loss. It is the only way to take advantage of them.
As we said, there are 3 important factors that will have an infinitely greater significance than the supplements in the struggle to reach your goals.
Food: As we tell you, food is the most important factor and the one that varies most according to the goals and needs of each athlete. In other words, food is what will most influence your results.
We do not want to stick the sheet on the foods that you should include in your diet and the amounts thereof. More than anything because we still don’t know you and we don’t know what your goals are.
Each person has a physical composition, genetic composition, and different needs. If you do not have enough knowledge of muscle gain or weight loss nutrition, ideally you would ask for help from a professional, it is a great investment.
Just tell you that you should plan, reading or with the help of a professional, a personalized diet for you based on your training and your expectations for improvement. Follow the table and periodically validate if it is working for you. If not, modify it until it works for you using the trial and error technique.
Rest: For starters, what you have always heard. Sleep between 7 and 9 hours. Depending on the training load, your daily activity and your diet will need more or less rest, you will see that over time.
There may be days that you need to sleep 12 hours and others that have enough 6 hours of sleep. Even so, if you get to sleep every day for 8 hours, it is much better.
Try to always go to bed at the same time and listen to your body. It will be the one to notify you when you need to rest or lower the volume of workouts.
Rest will not only help you train with more energy, but it will also help you improve. They say that babies grow when they sleep, the muscles work in a similar way. At rest, it is where they regenerate and if you have trained them well, the regeneration will lead to growth.
Training: It is the third indispensable factor to obtain benefits. As with food, you must have a plan to follow and work it to the fullest. The intensity is very important in your workout.
Work hard, put passion and validate frequently if it is working for you. Try different workouts and modify them periodically trying to find the greatest possible stimulus.
The stimulus will change over time, what works for you today may not work for you next month, you will have to increase the intensity, modify the exercises or how often you train.
After having commented on the 3 essential factors in sports performance, we can talk about many other factors that are also important and maybe the differentiating factors between an athlete and a high-level athlete.
These secondary factors are genetics, motivation, sports equipment (weightlifting shoes, knee pads or wrist bands) and supplementation (proteins, amino acids, Creatine, glutamine, etc.).
If you have come here, you will have noticed that we have not talked much about supplementation. Why? Because even the best supplements for muscle gain and weight loss can begin to be effective once you have controlled the previous points.
That is when you will be working well and covering all your needs. At that time, we recommend that you value your real needs and inform yourself about a supplement that can go well for you to improve in some aspect.
Price: $76.49
Whey protein is the protein of greatest biological value known to date, being superior even to egg protein. By greater biological value, we refer to a greater amount of essential amino acids, greater bioavailability and greater speed of intestinal absorption.
As for vegan soy or pea protein, it has also been proven to increase muscle protein synthesis.
What happens is that its anabolic effect is lower than that of whey protein (it is of lower biological value).
One of the best supplements for muscle gain and weight loss is Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein powder 5 pounds.
As for the myths surrounding the protein are those that are bad for the kidney and liver (for people without pathologies), in addition to that they will make you grow muscularly like that bodybuilder who takes steroids. We know today that these two myths are not true.
Whey Protein is a supplement especially recommended for:
What are the types of protein? The fundamental types of whey protein are:
Without a doubt, the most expensive is hydrolyzate (due to its higher purity of AA and faster absorption), which we only recommend if you have any food allergy or lactose intolerance.
If this is not the case, you can perfectly choose a volume concentrate and an isolate in definition to maximize the results.
If you want to take only the concentrate because it has a better value for money nothing happens, you will not get super spectacular results compared to taking isolated instead.
Price: $149.99
It has the same function as the whey protein. Casein also comes from milk, with its majority component (80%) vs. the remaining 20% being made up of whey protein.
The basic difference between whey protein and casein is the rate of absorption, being higher in the case of whey protein.
Taking advantage of this difference, the supplement industry business with it selling casein as a pre-sleep consumption protein with the argument of “take it at night, not to metabolize.”
Physiologically speaking, this argument makes no sense because at night muscle mass is not lost.
On the contrary, the body is sensitized to the gain of muscle mass by the action of the hormone GH, which raises the IGF1 and we already know that this is an important activator of the mTOR pathway.
Remember, rest is one of the pillars for muscle growth and weight loss. It is true that some studies leave casein in a good position in this regard.
The truth is that there is an important bias in these studies since casein is compared to a non-caloric placebo.
Therefore, it is not surprising that those who consumed casein maximized their muscle mass gain and help them lose weight. So, in this regard, Dymatize Elite 100% Micellar Casein 2 Lbs. slow absorption protein is one of the best supplements for muscle gain.
Price: $30.00
It has been endorsed by science as the most effective ergogenic aid for strength and muscle mass gains as well as burning the abdominal fat. It helps keep the energy source of Phosphagens active for longer.
There are no adverse effects. To date, no study has shown that its long-term consumption can favor any adverse effects. Even with amounts well above the recommended daily supplementation of 3-5 g/d.
The loading phase is not necessary. Performing the 20g/day fast charging phase for a week is only recommended if you want to get a faster effect.
However, it is not necessary. With 5 g/day for an indefinite period, it is more than enough.
Creatine is for everyone. It is suitable for consumption at all ages but the idea is that it is used especially when necessary, in this case in athletes dedicated to strength training.
Creatine does not cause baldness. There is no evidence that it causes alopecia in men. Creatine causes baldness is a myth.
Optimize training and promote recovery: it acts on several of the anabolic cell signaling pathways in addition to promoting muscle recovery.
So, if you are looking to burn the extra fats in your body and gain some serious muscle mass, we recommend Optimum Nutrition Micronized Creatine Monohydrate 600g powder.
Price: $24.99
HMB is a metabolite of leucine. We already know the importance of Leucine for hypertrophy. Leucine is one of three BCAAs (isoleucine, leucine, and valine).
These three amino acids are positively related to enhancing the process of weight loss and increase in muscle mass. Especially leucine, which is like the spark that ignites the fire, which would be muscle protein synthesis.
In addition in the muscle cell, there is a leucine threshold by which more leucine you add, you will not have a greater anabolic effect.
How to take HMB? This supplement has shown evidence for muscle mass gains with a minimum effective dose of 1.5 g/day in a range of 1.5-3 g/day.
The dose of 6 g/day did not show greater benefits in the studies analyzed and a range of 1.5-6 g/day constitutes a safety interval.
To perform your anabolic combo, we recommend mixing whey protein with Creatine to maximize the effects of Creatine absorption, which is better absorbed in the presence of protein and/or carbohydrate. In this sense, we recommend you Bulk Supplements HMB Powder, which is one of the best supplements for muscle gain.
Price: $29.95
Citrulline is an amino acid that is produced in the urea cycle from ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate. This Citrulline is physiologically recycled to arginine, which increases the activation of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase.
Producing then nitric oxide (NO2), which produces vasodilation and therefore, greater arrival of nutrients to the muscle, which will result in an increase in performance.
Why would it be better to supplement with Citrulline-malate and not with arginine? Basically, because the bioavailability of the latter is lower. The catabolism of arginine at the intestinal level is greater than that of Citrulline, which passes in greater quantity to the blood and therefore reaches more quantity at the muscular level.
Also, the blood extraction of Citrulline by the liver is less than that of arginine. So considering these two physiological processes, it is concluded that it is better to supplement with Citrulline than with arginine.
The evidence regarding this supplement in doses of 6-12 g/day is inconsistent, with studies showing positive results. Nutricost L-Citrulline Malate 2:1 is recommended by athletes – particularly for mass muscle gain.
Price: $54.85
Phosphatidic acid is a phospholipid naturally contained in the membranes of eukaryotic cells and therefore in the sarcolemma of muscle fiber. It is known that physiologically, this lipid has the ability to activate the cascade of the mTOR pathway, therefore participating in the process of muscle mass gain.
Strength training has shown significant increases in intracellular AF, probably due to the mechanical stress produced in the eccentric phase, which causes greater muscle fiber membrane ruptures.
This will cause greater amounts of intracytoplasmic AF to be released, which translates into greater muscle gains.
However, speaking in terms of supplementation with AF, the data is still inconsistent in terms of dose, timing, and duration necessary to obtain effects.
An effective dose of 750 mg/day was used in the studies. Lower amounts such as 350 mg or less showed no significant effects. You must look at PA (7) Phosphatidic Acid Muscle Builder by HPN, which is the best supplement for muscle gain. It is important to know that this supplement is not that much effective for weight loss.
Price: $29.32
Of the BCAAs, we have spoken before in the HMB section. On paper, the theoretical function of BCAAs is to promote recovery and minimize post-training protein degradation, especially if it has been rich in eccentric phases, where muscle damage is greatest.
The key in these supplements is that they can improve your performance and therefore, that you can indirectly gain muscle mass. But by themselves, they do not exert the anabolic effect as such.
Although it is true that they improve the environment and provide more optimized conditions so that the muscle can grow more. Don’t forget to look at the Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000mg – it is an excellent supplement for muscle gain.
Price: $35.00
Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that together with histidine forms a dipeptide known as carnosine.
Carnosine has an intracellular buffering effect, which means that it delays acidification of the medium.
Increasing the amount of beta-alanine available increases intracellular levels of carnosine.
What is related to a delay in muscle fatigue, can then improve performance by increasing the number of repetitions you do, increasing the volume of training and therefore, higher levels of hypertrophy.
It is also true that the greatest effect of beta-alanine is achieved in sports of an average duration of 1-4 minutes.
This means that it can be more effective in other sports such as athletics than in bodybuilding. We recommend you “Beta-Alanine Powder by BulkSupplements,” again one of the best supplements for muscle gain and weight loss.
Price: $23.12
One of the most striking advantages of this product is that its ingredients are 100% natural and are suitable for consumption by people who follow vegetarian diets.
For some, it may be that having to consume up to six capsules per day leads to rapid consumption of the product, so you will have to acquire it continuously.
The best supplements for muscle gain and weight loss seems to offer satisfactory results to its buyers, in addition to offering capsules free of sugar, gluten or any synthetic ingredient that may affect your health.
There are many measures to lose weight, whether based on diet, exercise, etc. However, many of them are also accompanied by dietary supplements and the market offers many alternatives and in different presentations, so you should analyze this feature before investing.
If you don’t like classic protein shakes, you may be interested in Dual Pro-Fat Burner. This supplement comes in a small boat that you can comfortably carry in your bag or store on a shelf without taking up space.
The bottle has a total of 100 capsules of dietary supplement. They will last depending on the pace of consumption you adopt and, according to its manufacturer, you have two options with good results. Three capsules per day or six, taking into account the medical recommendations and your personal trainer so you can observe results in a short time.
Price: unavailable
It is a supplement in powder format for shake preparation. The package has 500 grams of product, which translates into several portions that provide 10 grams of protein and only 130 kilo-calories. Not surprisingly, this protein supplement acts as a meal replacement.
One of its most outstanding characteristics is its flavor, since it has a taste of cookies and cream, although it is not the only one since the brand also offers the same product in other flavors such as banana, chocolate, caramel or vanilla.
If you are wondering the best weight loss supplement in shake format, you should most likely consider this product. An interesting extra is that it is accompanied by a practical eBook with a training plan entitled “Burn fat in 4 weeks.”
Price: $18.97
It is made from Garcinia Cambogia and green coffee, two substances that, combined, facilitate fat burning and reduce the sensation of appetite.
Garcinia is a fruit that contains 60% hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which acts to promote the loss of appetite. For its part, green coffee is a natural supplement that favors the elimination of accumulated fat.
As it does not contain caffeine, side effects such as anxiety or lack of sleep are avoided. It also has vitamin C, so the immune system is strengthened.
This nutritional supplement is presented in a bottle of easy opening and closing that houses 180 vegetable capsules.
Price: $17.50
Glucomannan is one of the key ingredients of weight loss supplements. It is, in fact, the active substance of this product manufactured in Germany.
The package contains 180 capsules that offer various benefits for the body thanks to Glucomannan.
Each dose contains 1800 mg of this substance, from the root of konjac, a plant native to Southeast Asia.
This 1800 mg are obtained after the intake of 6 capsules daily (2 before each meal) accompanied by enough water so that the Glucomannan reaches the stomach in optimal conditions and produces a feeling of fullness.
But not only does this supplement contribute to quenching your appetite naturally, but it is a source of natural fiber, which, in combination with a low-calorie diet, stimulates weight loss.
The supplements are ideal for carrying out different types of goals, whether you want more energy when training, gaining or losing weight.
In this sense, those who are destined to help you with reducing your weight should be supplied in adequate doses to avoid difficulties throughout the treatment.
That is why in this article, we provide you with some adequate information about the use that you could give to the supplement that you have acquired and the way in which you should take your respective dose to keep you in perfect condition avoiding any type of complications.
Starting a supplement is not as easy as it seems since you should consume the one that can really help you with your main goal, which in this case would be muscle gain and weight loss.
That is why consulting your trusted doctor about taking the best supplements for muscle gain and weight loss you have purchased will not hurt in order to get accurate information about the benefits that it would bring you over the days. Good Luck!